It’s Spring. It’s Summer. The sun is shining. Or not. Festival season is open. But due to the Corona pandemic there likely won’t be any festival to attend. But you still want to look good, right?

Whether you *normally* go to metal festivals, WGT, gothic festivals, love the hippie style or just sit around at home: you want that black shirt. With an appropriate black design. Not only bands. That’s why we’ve launched the Black Series.
With. The Black Sheep. And because it sounds better in German, we also came up with the Schwarzes Schaf design. It’s cute, it’s peaceful. And most of all: it’s black. Like your soul. Or your taste in colours. Or you just like sheep. Pick one.

And with Henkie the Plush Rat! Henkie is a black, fluffy, plush rat with a mind of his own. He loves to do some headbanging. And cuddling. In his fluffy mind, he can already hear the crowds chanting: ‘Henkie! Henkie!’ He is anticipating the cheering. Will you? Will you cheer for Henkie?
You can now purchase T-shirts and tops with the Black Sheep, Schwarzes Schaf and Henkie the Plush Rat designs in our shop. Dress for your inner black animal!
*Click* on the T-shirts below and order your black sheep or rat! \m/